Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Answering Atheists

The problem here is that the deist, errors in thinking that in discarding a god, one needs do so by having faith in something else. When I stopped believing in Santa as a child, I simply came to the conclusion that this entity did not exist because there was no evidence to the contrary. This is despite the fact that his image was everywhere during xmas season and many people continued to behave as if he were real. Therefore, I submit that I do not believe in a god that created the universe the same way he doesn't believe in an elf that delivers presents. Consequently, disbelief in this case is an act of reason, not faith.


Id like to start off by saying that science and God cannot be proven 100%. It takes faith in both areas. Facts and theories can be presented on both sides but it narrows down to faith in the end. A person has faith in the law of gravity but cannot prove it 100% (because he/she has not seen everything rise and fall). I have not seen God but I have faith that He does in fact exist by evidence and how He reveals himself through creation. An Atheist puts faith in his decision when he decides whether to believe in an intelligent design or chance. Now you may say hold the phone turbo we have proof that evolution is clean cut evidence for the beginning of existence. I must first mention that in order for something to evolve is must already exist. So what was it that initiated the existence of the universe? Einstein contemporary, Arthur Eddington once said “The beginning seems to present insuperable difficulties unless we agree to look on it as frankly supernatural”. We cannot say the universe began by natural causes because nothing existed there was no nature so whatever did cause a beginning must have been supernatural. If you look up supernatural in the dictionary you will find of, pertaining to, or being above or beyond what is natural; unexplainable by natural law or phenomena; abnormal. In his book “The case for Faith” Lee Strobel writes “ The statistical odds of developing even the most basic living cell by chance are astronomical”. Walter Bradley also points out that, “it takes about 100 of the right amino acids lined up in the right manner to make one protein molecule. And that’s just the first step. Creating one protein molecule doesn’t mean you’ve created life. Now you have to bring together a collection of protein molecules-maybe 200 of them- with just the right functions to get one typical living cell. The mathematical odds of assembling a living organism are so astronomical that no body still believes that random chance accounts for the origin of life.” There is written code and message all over DNA, and these codes communicate with others to properly pass on genetic information to other cells. The chances of this happening by chance can be compared to tornado running through a junkyard and assembles a Boeing 747... A theist has faith that God began and maintains the universe just as an Atheist believes in no God and chooses to believe the material world is the only one. I ask you which takes more faith to believe chance or intelligent design. I urge you to use logic and reasoning and not emotion. Truth stands whether you believe in it or not.

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